Notice Policy

Product Reviews

Who can write a product review?

Anyone who buys a product on our site can give their opinion on the product purchased.

How is this review collected?

After your purchase on our site, you can come and write a review on the product sheet via a dedicated form. You must first be logged in.

How is this review handled?

To avoid abuse and / or rude comments, all opinions will be handled by a collaborator. Be patient, your review may appear a few days later on the site. Our collaborator verifies that the review comes from a product actually purchased by the customer but cannot verify whether the product has actually been tested by the buyer.

We refuse a review:

  • Rude, abusive or discriminatory
  • Not on the right product
  • Is a review on the store and not on the product
  • Contains private data (telephone, email, etc.)
  • Contains advertising

A notice will therefore be published in all other cases. It may be modified by the customer if he wishes to change his opinion on the product or to moderate it after a longer use of it.

All customers connected to the store can:

  • Indicate whether they find a review useful or not
  • Report abuse following this review

An employee will review this notice again and, if necessary, contact the customer.

No compensation in kind, product offered, etc. is provided in exchange for reviews on the store.

How is the automatic ranking of reviews determined?

Reviews are listed from newest to oldest. The customer cannot choose the sort.

How are reviews calculated?

Reviews are rated via an overall star system on the product with a rating of 1 to 5 stars, a title and a free field review.

The product's score will therefore simply be the average of all the opinions posted on this product.

Notice via an external application

The Geeky Pop company uses the company Trustpilot for their store review policy. You can consult the general conditions of use ( )

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